Recomendación de programa formativo


Recomendación de programa formativo

Si encuentras este programa interesante para tu desarrollo profesional tal vez puedas aprovechar el crédito destinado a formación en tu empresa para realizarlo.
Envía ahora a tu jefe los detalles esenciales de este curso y las facilidades de financiación que ofrecemos para que pueda valorar la posibilidad de que lo realices.

Internal Auditor Pack Quality ISO 9001:2015 Environment ISO 14001:2015 and Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems ISO 45001:2018

Tus datos

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Estimado/a Nombre de tu jefe

He estado buscando algún programa formativo que pueda ayudarme en mi especialización y desempeño de mis funciones en la compañía, y he encontrado este que se adapta por completo a mis necesidades:

Internal Auditor Pack Quality ISO 9001:2015 Environment ISO 14001:2015 and Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems ISO 45001:2018

El precio del curso es 970 €. El pago puede realizarse online con tarjeta de crédito, por domiciliación bancaria o por transferencia bancaria. El Centro ofrece también interesantes formas de financiación y de gestión de la bonificación de la formación ante FUNDAE.

El curso se imparte en modalidad eLearning y tiene una duración de 45+45+45 hours – 9 months . Estos son sus objetivos:

Participants should acquire the skills, i.e. knowledge, abilities and attitudes needed to plan, organise and implement a Quality, Environment and Occupational Health and Safety Management System based on the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 Standards, and conduct internal audits to verify the effectiveness of the system.

After completing the training, students will be able to:

  • Be familiar with the Quality Management System as per ISO 9001.
  • Interpret and apply the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Standard.
  • Implement an Occupational Health and Safety Management System, in accordance with the specifications of ISO 45001.
  • Become familiar with the concepts and definitions of the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 Standards.
  • Understand the principles on which Quality, Environment and Occupational Health and Safety Management is based.
  • Identify the requirements established by the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 Standard.
  • Get to know the keys for implementing a Quality, Environment and Occupational Health and Safety Management System by applying the requirements of the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 Standards.
  • Participate in the implementation and management of a Quality, Environment and Health and Safety Management System in accordance with ISO 9001: 2015, SO 14001: 2015 and ISO 45001.
  • Conduct audits of Quality, Environment and Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems in companies in any sector.
  • Apply what they know about quality, environment and occupational health and safety audits, in any organisation to verify the compliance of its Management System.
  • Take on responsibility at any stage of the audit process.
  • Understand the functions and skills that an auditor must have in both internal audits and certification audits.
  • Be familiar with the process for certifying an organization.
  • Recognize the characteristics and most common problems in improving quality, environment and health and safety certification.

Why does Bureau Veritas recommend this course?

In this course you will be trained as an internal auditor of management systems based on ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 Standards, taking into account the guidelines set by the ISO 19011:2018 audit standard.

  • It improves the organisation's ability to deliver products/services that meet established requirements.
  • It increases customer satisfaction.
  • It improves processes and management, increasing productivity, profitability and satisfaction for all stakeholders.

Bureau Veritas Formación es la División especializada en Formación de la compañía internacional Bureau Veritas. Con más de 20 años de historia, cada año ofrecemos formación e-Learning a decenas de miles de alumnos procedentes de los cinco continentes. Se puede ampliar la información en su web:

Creo que es un programa que se adapta perfectamente a las necesidades formativas actuales de mi puesto por lo que me gustaría que se valorase la posibilidad de realizarlo.


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